TensorBoard for Grads and Individual Weights

I needed to record gradients during training and individual weights, instead of tensor means, using tensorboard, but the former is not available anymore by default, and the latter never was. So I updated the tf2 callback, and since probably some of you might find it useful you can find it here.

I called it ExtendedTensorBoard and the definition is quite simple:

class ExtendedTensorBoard(tf.keras.callbacks.TensorBoard):
    def __init__(self, validation_data, n_individual_weight_samples=3, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        # here we use test data to calculate the gradients
        self._x_batch = validation_data[0]
        self._y_batch = validation_data[1] if len(validation_data) == 2 else None
        self.n_individual_weight_samples = n_individual_weight_samples

    def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs=None):
        super().on_epoch_end(epoch, logs=logs)

        if self.histogram_freq and epoch % self.histogram_freq == 0:
            _log_grads(self, epoch)

    def _log_weights(self, epoch):
        _log_weights_individual(self, epoch)

I took as a starting point for the grads logging this excellent medium post and I extended it to handle any model definition, with general inputs (multi-input case, no output case) and general losses (auxiliary losses and no output loss cases). The final gradient logging looks like follows:

def _log_grads(self, epoch):
    with tf.GradientTape(persistent=True) as tape:
        # This capture current state of weights

        # Calculate loss for given current state of weights
        _y_pred = self.model(self._x_batch)

        loss = self.model.compiled_loss(
            y_true=self._y_batch, y_pred=_y_pred, sample_weight=None, regularization_losses=self.model.losses

    # Calculate grads wrt current weights
    grads = [tape.gradient(loss, l.trainable_weights) for l in self.model.layers]
    names = [l.name for l in self.model.layers]
    del tape

    with self._train_writer.as_default():

        with summary_ops_v2.always_record_summaries():
            for g, n in zip(grads, names):
                if len(g) > 0:
                    for i, curr_grad in enumerate(g):
                        if len(curr_grad) > 0:
                            nc = 'bias' if len(curr_grad.shape) == 1 else 'weight'

                            mean = tf.reduce_mean(tf.abs(curr_grad))
                            summary_ops_v2.scalar('grad_mean_{}_{}_{}'.format(n, i + 1, nc), mean, step=epoch)
                            summary_ops_v2.histogram('grad_histogram_{}_{}_{}'.format(n, i + 1, nc), curr_grad,


Then the logging of individual weights was motivated by the fact that some times I had mean and standard deviations of the distribution of weights not changing during training even though the task seemed to be solved successfully. So I decided to log individual weights to make sure, they were changing even if the distribution was not. Here the function that handles the logging of individual weights:

def _log_weights_individual(self, epoch):
    """Logs the weights of the Model to TensorBoard."""
    if epoch == 0:
        self.dict_scalar_locations = {}
    with self._train_writer.as_default():
        with summary_ops_v2.always_record_summaries():
            for layer in self.model.layers:
                for weight in layer.weights:
                    weight_name = weight.name.replace(':', '_')
                    summary_ops_v2.histogram(weight_name, weight, step=epoch)

                    # what preceeds is the standard Tensorboard behavior while the lines that follow
                    # record some of the weights individually
                    for i in range(self.n_individual_weight_samples):
                        scalar_name = '{}_{}'.format(weight.name.replace(':', '_'), i)
                        if epoch == 0:
                            c = [np.random.choice(ax) for ax in weight.shape]
                            self.dict_scalar_locations[scalar_name] = c
                            c = self.dict_scalar_locations[scalar_name]
                        summary_ops_v2.scalar(scalar_name, weight[c], step=epoch)

                    if self.write_images:
                        self._log_weight_as_image(weight, weight_name, epoch)

Let me know if it works for you or if it can be generalized to more use cases. For now it worked for all use cases I tried, image and language, with and without final loss and auxiliary losses, and multiple inputs. Let me know if you have any suggestion to improve it as well!

Written on October 15, 2021